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Total Amputation Of Penis By Zaw Myint

카테고리 없음

by starinegan1984 2020. 1. 23. 02:14


Total Amputation Of Penis By Zaw Myint Zaw

Genitals amputated by an acutely psychotic relative with a sharp implement.1 Both testes and penis were degloved of skin at the time of injury. The amputated organs were retrieved and placed on ice. One testis was unsalvageable, but the other was anastomosed onto the right inferior epigastric vessels. The penis was.

. A partial penectomy involves the removal of just the tip or head of the penis.

This spares as much of the shaft as possible and allows the man to urinate while standing. In some cases, the doctor will cut the ligament that connects the penis to the pelvis bone to increase the penis' length. A skin graft may also be used to help cover the exposed tissue. A total penectomy involves the removal of the entire penis, including the root which extends into the pelvis. With a procedure like this, the urethra must be diverted to a new opening, usually between the scrotum and anus, so that the urine can be expelled from the body. A total penectomy is only done if the tumor goes deeply into the penis or is situated at the base of the penis.

BRIEF BIOGRAPHIES OF ELECTED MPsKachin StateLocation: Kachin State lies in the northern part ofMyanmar formerly known as Burma. It shares borders with People's Republic ofChina in the north and east; Shan State and Sagaing Division in the east andSagaing Division and India in the west. It lies between North Latitude 23° 27'and 28° 25' Longitude 96° 0' and 98° 44'. The area of the State is 34,379 sqmiles.Climate:Kachin State lies on the north of the line of Tropic ofCancer. Hence, the climate of the southern part is warm-temperate and wetwhereas the northern part has cold-temperate and wet climate. Highest mountainsin the north are always covered with snow. In the lowland areas, the averagetemperature in summer being 80°F (26.6° C) and in winter the temperature is alittle more than 60°F (26.6° C).

There is heavy downpour in the rainy seasonand little amount of rain in winter. The rainfall in Bhamo is 60 inches. About80 inches in Myitkyina and over 160 inches in Putao, in the northernmost part.Population, inhabitants, religion and dialects:The population ofKachin State is over 1.2 million.

Population density is 34 persons per squaremile. The hills and mountains are sparsely populated whereas the plains aredensely.

There are 100 or more per square mile. The inhabitants are racialgroup such as Kachin, Bamar, Shan, Chin, Naga, etc. The distribution byreligion is 57.8% Buddhists, 36.4% Christians and the remaining people areHindu and Muslim faithful and those of other religious Faiths.

The majority ofthe people there speak Myanmar, racial dialects such as Jinphaw, Rawan, Lisu,Lacheik, etc, are also spoken.Organization of districts, townships and villages:The threedistricts constituted in the Kachin State are Myitkyina, Bhamo and Putao. Thenumber of townships and wards and village tracts constituted are 18 and 709respectively. The capital of the state is Myitkyina.NATIONAL LEAGUE FOR DEMOCRACY (NLD)v Name:U Pu Htwe (Bamaw Nyo New)Constituency: Bhamo(Eligible Voters – 48,181; Votes Cast – 32,055; Valid Votes – 27,550; Number ofCandidates – 6)Date of Birth: 27 December 1922Father: U SuuOn 17 March 1997, the Election Commission announced that U Pu Htwe had resignedas an MP.

It is understood that the SLORC used intimidation to force him toresign. U Pu Htwe participated in the 1938 Strike as a rural organiser of theAsian Youth Association (AYA) and began his literary career in 1945 under thepen name ’Bamaw Nyo Nwe’. In 1963 he won the National Literary Award for hispoem entitled “Dawn”.

In 1948 wasthe secretary of Bhamo District Teachers’ Association. He worked as a middleschool teacher, high school teacher and education supervisor from 1949-1955 andagain as a high school teacher from 1962-1983. U Pu Htwe received 19,433 validvotes as 71% in the 1990 elections.v Name:U Tin MyintConstituency: Kamaing(Eligible Voters – 11,327; Votes Cast – 5,755; Valid Votes – 5,208; Number ofCandidates – 6)Date of Birth: 23 March 1924Place of Birth: Kyaiklat, Irrawaddy DivisionParents: U Aye Maung and Daw Thein YinU Tin Myint was educated up to tenth standard at Shin Ardeitsawuntha NationalSchool in Pazundaung, Rangoon. He participated in various military campaignsfrom 1942-45, firstly fighting alongside the Japanese against the British, andthen fighting the Japanese as a soldier in the Burma Independence Army (BIA), Burma Defense Army (BDA) and PatrioticBurmese Force (PBF).

After the Japanese occupation, he was arrested whileserving as the vice-chairman of the Pegu District Organising Committee of thePBF. He was released when the government headed by Gen Aung San came intopower. U Tin Myint worked as a merchant from 1948-1957. He was thejoint-general secretary of Pegu District War Veteran Organisation and wasawarded the Star of Independence (First Class) for his efforts in bringingindependence to Burma.

U Tin Myint received 2,550 valid votes as 49% in the1990 elections.v Name: UMaphang HsinConstituency: Khawbude(Eligible Voters – 5,997; Votes Cast – 3,381; Valid Votes – 3,180; Numberof Candidates – 4)Date of Birth: 1953Place of Birth: Khawbude,Parents: U Khiarkyaw and Daw Hturan HtanchanOn 22 December 1991, several MPs from Kachin State, including U Maphang Hsin, UN Nan Gam, U Yaw Hsi, U Kyar Mya and U Kyaw Maung, left Myitkyina, the statecapital, and went underground. They fled to the Kachin IndependenceOrganisation (KIO) controlled area, then on to the Karen National Union (KNU)base at Manerplaw on the Thai-Burma border. U Maphang Hsin subsequently becamepart of the NLD-Liberated Area (Northern Chapter) when it was formed in thelast week of January 1992, at Pajao on the Sino-Burma border.

ZawTotal Amputation Of Penis By Zaw Myint

He was part of aseven-member NLD-LA Organising Committee. U Maphang Hsin, and the other fourrepresentatives who fled in 1991, surrendered to the SLORC on 5 June 1994following the KIO’s cease-fire with the SLORC on eight months earlier. UMaphang Hsin was educated up to sixth standard, first at Nant Shal VillagePrimary School and later at Dukkan Village Middle School, Kachin State.UMaphang Hsin received 1,317 valid votes as 41% in the 1990 elections.v Name:U N. Nan GamConstituency: Machanbaw(Eligible Voters – 6,138; Votes Cast – 4,604; Valid Votes – 4,082; Number of Candidates – 4)Date of Birth: 4 March 1942Place of Birth: Shavanga Village, PutaoParents: U N Nan Tit and Daw Khin HlaU N. Nan Gam surrendered to the SLORC on 5 June 1994 after fleeing to theThai-Burma border in 1991 with four other MPs from Kachin State. He was educated up to ninth standardat Myitkyina and worked as a teacher at the Inbudau Village State Middle Schoolin Machanbaw Township.

He was the secretary of the Machanbaw TownshipCo-operative from 1974-1977. Nan Gam received 1,532 valid votes as 38% inthe 1990 elections.v Name:U J. NaulaConstituency: Mansi(Elegible Voters – 7,447; Votes Cast – 5,362; Valid Votes – 4,387; Number of Candidates – 4)Date of Birth: 21 December 1929Parents: U Maula San and Daw Phaw Shwe RalU J.

Naula is the vice-chairman of Bamaw Township NLD. He was educated up totenth standard at Bamaw State High School and at another private school. Hisrole in forming the Kachin Student Organisation was crucial, and subsequentlybecame its first chairman. He worked at the Kachin Tactical Command (2) atBamaw as an organiser for the army in 1963, and in 1967 he was a graduate ofthe BSPP cadre training. Following the SLORC’s coup in 1988, he was fined 200kyat and imprisoned for one month for subversion. U J M Naula received 2,434 validvotes as 55% in the 1990 elections.v Name:U Thaung NgweConstituency: Moemauk(Eligible Voters – 13,104; Votes Cast – 7,602; Valid Votes – 6,501; Number ofCandidates – 6)Date of Birth: 9 June 1949Place of Birth: MoemaukFather: U Khin MaungThe Election Commission announced on 4 March 1992 that U Thaung Ngwe hadresigned as an MP.

It is understood that the SLORC used intimidation to forcehim to resign. U Thaung Ngwe graduated with a Law degree from RangoonUniversity in 1975 and rose to a judicial officer grade (3) in 1985.

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Heresigned from his job in March 1988 and then worked as an independent lawyerwhile serving as the Moemauk Township NLD organiser. (Election Commission Announcement No. 1010 of 4-3-92 permits UThaung Ngwe to resign “ of his ownvolition “. WPD5/3/92) U Thaung Ngwe received 2,954 as 45% in the 1990elections.v Name:U Tun KyiConstituency: Mogaung(Eligible Voters – 56,212; Votes Cast – 36,124; Valid Votes – 29,407; Number ofCandidates – 7)Date of Birth: 25 December 1942Place of Birth: MogaungParents: U Tun Oak and Daw ShweU Tun Kyi was educated up to seventh standard at Mogaung High School. Heactively took part in the 1988 pro-democracy uprising and became the MogaungTownship NLD organiser when the party was formed.

U Tun Kyi received 14,779valid votes as 50% in the 1990 elections.v Name:U Kyaw MaungConstituency: Mohnyin (1)(Eligible Voters – 40,315; Votes Cast – 30,685; Valid Votes – 25,860; Number of Candidates – 3)Date of Birth: 7 February 1944Parents: U Ba Hlaing and Daw Hla MaeU Kyaw Maung surrendered to the SLORC on 5 June 1994 after fleeing to theThai-Burma border in 1991 with four other MPs from Kachin State. He finished high school in 1962 andbecame a primary school teacher at Bilu Middle School in Myintkyina. In 1975 hebecame the headmaster of the school. He joined the NLD following the 1988uprising.

U Kyaw Maung received 21,641 valid votes as 84% in the 1990elections.v Name:U Kyar MyaConstituency: Monhyin (2)(Eligible Voters – 27,468; Votes Cast – 19,520; Valid Votes – 16,940; Number ofCandidates – 4)Date of Birth: 1940Place of Birth: HopinParents: U Htin Paw and Daw Aye NyintU Kyar Mya surrendered to the SLORC on 5 June 1994 after fleeing to theThai-Burma border in 1991 with four other MPs from Kachin State and was secretary of the northernchapter of the NLD-LA. He was educated up to seventh standard at Hpin StateMiddle School and then worked at the Namtee Sugar Mill for eight years.

Afterthe 1988 uprising he became head of the Monhyin Township NLD OrganisingCommittee. U Kyar Mya received 12,374 valid votes as 73% in the 1990elections.v Name:U Mya MaungConstituency: Myitkyina (1)(Eligible Voters – 39,204; Votes Cast – 26,003; Valid Votes – 21,837; Number of Candidates – 6)Date of Birth: 16 December 1920Parents: U Sawt and Daw KunU Mya Maung passed away on 16 June 1990. He participated in the 1938Strike and left school in 1939 and became a member of the Dobama Asiayone (We Burma Association). In 1942, he joined the BurmaIndependence Army (BIA) at the persuasion of members of the Thirty Comradessuch as Bo Taya and Bo Tauk Htein who were his classmates. During the 1945campaign against the Japanese he participated in the formation of the AntiFascist Organisation (AFO) inPyinmana.

He went underground in 1948 with the Burma Communist Party (BCP) whenit took up its armed revolt, however he surrendered to the government a yearlater along with Bo Taya. In November 1949, he was detained in Rangoon by theauthorities and released in 1951. From then on he worked at the ImmigrationDepartment until his retirement in 1980. (Election Commission Announcement No.897 of 3-7-90 notes that U Mya Maung died on 16 June 1990 and is thus removedfrom the list of Pyithu Hluttaw representatives.

(WPD5/7/90) U Mya Maungreceived 10,151 valid votes as 46% in the 1990 elections.v Name:U Yaw HsiConstituency: Putao(Eligible Voters – 29,900; Votes Cast – 21,960; Valid Votes – 17,707; Number ofCandidates – 8)Date of Birth: 13 April 1948Place of Birth: Biwahtan Village, KhawbudeParents: U Harku and Daw PhaiaibiU Yaw Hsi is still under detention.U Yaw Hsi surrendered to the SLORC on5 June 1994 after fleeing to the Thai-Burma border in 1991 with four oiher MPsfrom Kachin State. He was educatedup to seventh standard and was in charge of the Marmulae Village Co-operativefrom 1982-83.

Total Amputation Of Penis By Zaw Myint